One of the biggest obstacles has been figuring out how to balance my classroom lessons in order to meet all of my students needs AND make sure I cover the skills I must teach and assess per our curriculum. Direct instruction and student centered learning must both be utilized in the classroom, and it has become essential for me to really dig into my learning targets and decide how I want to devote my precious class time. In addition, with my goal to not assign any homework besides reading, I need all 47 minutes for instruction, student work, and formative assessment.
One small change to my classroom instruction has helped me bridge the gap between direct instruction and student centered learning in order to make both of them work in my classroom at the same time.
This example includes my class lesson with embedded Google Forms and a final collaborative activity in Padlet. The class period flew by, and the students were engaged and learning - per their work in Padlet and the exit slip.
I have found it is extremely important to work collaborative time into these lessons. In addition, I must have students lower their screens at times to just listen or direct their attention to the front of the room. Shifts in classroom management have helped with this process. The students seem to take more notes and add their own thoughts throughout the lesson to their slides - more so than they used to do in their notebooks. They tell me it is easier to listen, focus, and talk with their classmates with the information right in front of them.